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Oh. And how exactly would that be gay huh?

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its gay because only a fucking faggot would post that shit.

well I don't see you posting it?

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Thats because we are not gay idiots like you 😄

I think that's bc you are sad pathetic little babies who have to talk down to other people to feel better about their own pathetic little lives in their pathetic little house 😄

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or maybe hes just too headfucked to realize he didnt actually insult us with that comment

Well idgaf on what insulted you and what didn't. Idgaf about your opinions either. And idgaf about whatever stupid shit you came on here to do bc whatever you're doing it's clearly useless and why do you even do this? What's the fucking point in looking down on other people? You're just useless people with pointless opinions and lives. And no body gives a shit about you so go jump off a cliff for all I care.

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You tell us.  You are the one on here bashing and ranting about everything because I called your dumb picture gay.

So clearly you are some kind of emo wristslasher whos meds have worn off.

It's not bc you called my picture gay. It's bc you insulted everyone here. And no you're just stupid and clearly can't see that you should just leave bc this would all be over if you would just fucking stop and go away. Actually. Post whatever the fuck you want. And idc if you dc about what I'm about to do bc you don't need to. You're probably gonna get banned anyway.


UwU yes.

who the fuck cares if its gay or not?!! and gay people arent idiots, because if so your technically calling me and idiot. stop messing with him or her sorrry i dont know your pronoun and leave her alone because it it disrespectful, i have never met anyone much ruder in my life

what's wrong with being gay😒

exactly i am


yes indeed

who the fuck cares if its gay or not?!!