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I've had this bean made for a while now and since everyone was showing off their bunnies i thought id do mine :D

This is Amelia, she doesn't like attention or hugs or anything, she just likes to sit in her room and read or talk to her bunny doll and pretty much avoid all contact with other bunnies in general, she can be seen looking from her tower bedroom window (aha princess baby) staring down at the children of the servants and towns children playing in the courtyard. She has one friend though a gray bunny named millie, she's the daughter of a count who lives in the neighboring kingdom 

(Millie)^ since they live relatively far away from each other they write each other letters and have a messenger deliver them (theyre both around 7 or 8) 

wait a second-

the first one has mah name-


i know- 

It wasn't on purpose i swear

Its just such a pretty name-


okay lol

How tf do you make these