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okay i have a question for everyrat..what is you're biggest pet peeve when it comes to ocs here? personally..mine is highlighter characters..the last thing I need is some neoncore giving me bloodshot eyes at night^^ but that's just my opinion.

Hrm...... it's prolly when people put the mouths all the way down the faces

Like tha

I dunno why but they just look like characters from the lorax

HHHHHHHHH yep- that too- another one is when it has too much accessories, like to many horns, eyes, you know..TOO MUCH MONSTER

(1 edit)


{} me when i create a character just because im bored {}

It's easy to tell where you've been because everywhere you go you leave a  trail of worn out hair accessories. | Teacher humor, Christian memes,  Teacher memes

mine is . . . when all the character is like . . .

her name is galaxydrop and she can controll time, space, food, people and can breath fire and shhot gliiter out her hands, loves cookies, and is tHE LosT hYRbRid prIncEsS. oh did i mention she's immortal??

just . . . why?? (_o-o)_

glad you mentioned that!
i hate weirdass names, like example...sprinklelove or like..firecandy, it just sounds i understand a fantasy name but still it can't STAND names that sound like its from a stupid little girl's show.




When there is clearly no plan and the colours don't even match and when the backstory is like: oh she's an orphan or she hated her parents or whatever yeah yeah so be sorry for her and she did this and oh sad sad. No. Give me something to make me truly feel her. Like let's say their name is Rana or smthg idk: Rana lived with her parents til she was 3 when they tragically died to *insert reason here* she became an orphan and didn't make many friends. She didn't really want to talk to anyone with the fear of their death like her parents. Blah blah explain trauma and depression and blah blah. Yeah now I feel sad for her. Like why you do dat. Also when they make them OP but don't have anything to make them more likeable???? Like why???? And also ThE lOsT pRiNcEsS or whatever. Who even cares about that. If you're gonna do that. Make it interesting at least. I'm gonna cri.
