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Yeah indeed cute :3 I like the manga about that dog and panda, did you read it?

Yeah if i dont mistake its called EX File 

First Ex File Otake got slime and copy himself

that's it, did you stop to think the copy machine was supposed to be used by his brother? Lol

Well Otake was make sure that thing was safe or not because,he care his little brother i think ^^

yes but we have to agree that he has a naughty little brother because look what he ordered haha, imagine what other kind of things he probably haven't ordered, Otake needs to talk to him about these tastes of him XD

Im curious Otake hav 2 personalty,He can be quit type and Rage type wheater if someone naughty to him,i wonder if his little brother naughty to him does his Rage mode to him hahahaha just like Manager Gym guy or Ray ^^

Or maybe his little brother will learn the rage mode and they will fight to see who's more dominant haha imagine, or Otake just teaches him or he learns by his own by being Otake's brother being like a family thing so his brother has rage mode but he's more friendly and calm than Otake, Otake's the master of rage mode :D

Resbach just update new game im already play them  Sports visual novel and Rpg Story Samurai its so fun ^^.. only Wind of Change need point to unlock the game 

I will check it out as soon as I can, what are they about? :D

I have bad news Resbach gone i dont know what happen to him or someone hack him T.T

But dont worry i know where to get them

Sport visual novel tell Repoter news sport get Mysterious Ring that can Change Order or hynotis Person ^^.. While Samurai Rpg telll a monk journey with 3 friends to banish curse from Head monk..

Its Rpg turn base its so fun also there hav CG u love it