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(1 edit)

This is game is great!But there is an problem..ever since i updated the game it keeps kicking me out of an server and saying:'This is the newer version!You may need to update the game'  Could someone please tell me how to stop this or if happens to you.

Btw when are there gonna be accounts and friends?Because i when i play with someone i don't know,and it disconnecteds me i can't play with them again!:(

Also why can't you say _ - + × ÷ = / € £ ¥ ₩ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ' " : ; , ? In the server?Could you maybe fix that?That would be nice!

Have an nice day!

Thank you for reading this!


I think it's because the developers are updating and kicking player out of the game because I've notice that whole server just left and I think the developers don't think those symbols are important for the game so they just didn't make a font for it so you can't type it.


It's the buggy anti hacks they pushed onto the server to combat the Eris Lotis hacker that hit a couple weeks ago on NA server.  They are aware of it and are working hard to iron out the bugs. The issue is the server, not your game.

im pretty sure the symbloes are blocked to prevent things like messing with the code since the no name glitch is just a line of code and should not work if the naming system was like any other game

The kicking bc of the update happens to me too

we can say ! / = - ; : ? ' and () as i know