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Stand Name: Magician's Requiem

Stand User: Muhammad Avdol (Alternate universe where he dives to get Polnareff and Iggy out of the way, and just barely makes it under Cream's void)

Ability: Enhanced Pyrokinesis & Space Manipulation

Appearance: Same humanoid figure with the head of a bird, with flaming eyes and the Requiem Arrow's symbol going down from the forehead to the start of the beak. The body is the same humanoid shape, but the feathers covering the wrists and legs are now pure fire. The boots remain the same, however the arrow's symbol is now visible decorating the boots, starting at the end and going up to the top of the boot. The flames are now blue instead of red, as are the arrow symbols. Everything else remains the same.

Limitations: The fire now has the same properties of a gas fire, only growing when in contact with water. The only way to stop them is to cover them, and even then the flames are so hot they can melt almost anything.


Power: ? (Referring to the fire itself)

Speed: ? (Also referring to the fire itself)

Range: B (Range of the Stand itself)

Durability: B (Durability of the Stand itself)

Precision: ? (Accuracy of the flames)

Potential ? (It's technically reached its fullest potential with Requiem)


Fiery Barrage: MR unleashes a fast flurry of punches, its fists covered in blue flame.

Fiery Finisher: MR finishes its barrage with a more powerful punch, the fist also covered in blue flame.

Crossfire Hurricane: Same as before, however it's more powerful and allows even more control. Can hit people in other dimensions/erased time, like Over Heaven attacks in most JoJo Roblox games.

Blue Bind: Red Bind, but it's blue and hotter, suffocating the opponent quicker than before. Flames are also much stronger and more durable. Does not melt the victim's body unless done so manually.

Life Detector: Same as before, but capable of tracking Stand Users such as Vanilla Ice in Cream's dimension. Now tracks off of heartbeat instead of heat signature.

Burning Portal: MR creates a rift in space with its fire in two different spots. When Avdol or something MR created enters one portal, it comes out the other.

How the fight played out: As Avdol dived into Polnareff and Iggy sending himself and his friends to the ground, a somewhat translucent purple sphere zoomed above them, just barely passing the back of Avdol's head, as a bit of his hair was swallowed up by the passing void. They were all confused at first, but they soon realized it was the work of an enemy Stand user. They followed it into the next room, Avdol still wondering why his life detector couldn't sense him. He knew right away that the only way to win this fight was to figure out the Stand's ability, and how to exploit it. As Vanilla Ice peeked out of Cream's void, he saw Iggy, Polnareff, and Avdol heading towards him. He hid back into his void and charged forward at the three of them. Iggy was small enough to duck, and Polnareff jumped out of the way, losing some of his toes to the void. The fight played out mostly the same, but they realized the ability sooner thanks to Avdol, meaning they never needed to trick him with The Fool.

Keep in mind this is just a fan concept, and is NOT canon. I'd love feedback in the comments!