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(1 edit)

Hi all, I am excited to announce that the game is in a playable state. 

The game is currently in a state that is playable and ready to gather feedback. I will give a brief description of the things currently implemented for testing and what will be hopefully coming soon.

So far there are 3 pieces of equipment implemented for testing: Motion sensors, incense, and a slowing trap.

The enemy AI is implemented. It is currently quite basic as I am still conceptualizing ways for the enemy to become more complex and interesting.

I was able to implement the preparation phase and hunt phase earlier this week in a simplified form for testing.

The current level is strictly for testing and is in no way a representation for how I plan to design maps in the future. I hope to implement a new and improved map later on this month.

Things I am looking to work on adding soon are: Some sound effects and ambience, a new and improved map, improving enemy AI, more equipment, quality of life improvements, improving the UI.

Hopefully I can get some of these added by next the 16th as I have an internal playtest with my college by then. I am also currently working on a Game Design Doc for the game so I am hoping that that will help me visualize and improve upon my concepts/ideas going forward.

That is all for now, I will leave a link to the project page in case anyone reading wishes to play the game and give some feedback. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more!