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(1 edit)

For a game that was developed in 10 days, Paranormal Entities is pretty solid, albeit a few inconsistencies.

Of all the creators/gamers I've watched, none noticed (or at least commented) the incomplete plot paragraph on the main menu. The last sentence wasn't finished as if the developer forgot to continue.

There were a couple issues with the producer's spoken audio, the main one being the Bible spoken audio clashing with the "hundred hallways" spoken audio. After you interact with the Bible located at the foyer, the producer will start talking about the asylum's connection with the Bible. As he's talking, open the double doors to the adjacent hallway and walk in. This will trigger the next spoken audio by the producer, and will "clash" or play on top of the Bible spoken audio (3:29 mark in my video). The second audio issue I noticed happened after finding the girl in one of the patient rooms.  She turns around and screams at you, and the producer says something, but you can barely understand him because the music will rise and become too loud, drowning out the producer's spoken audio. 

The approach to the story could've been better, but this is just nit-picking for me. It didn't make sense for one person to go in an asylum to go ghost hunting alone. It would've made more sense if he had brought two or three crew members from the cable network he works at, they all split up, the crew members get killed, and ends with Cliff gauging his eyes out. I know he's supposed to gain experience as a new, freelance cameraman, but even that situation would call for a couple crew members going with him, at least. The use of the recorder as a spirit box was a bit odd. The producer can only be heard through the ear-piece, so I'm not sure how the recorder was picking up his voice. Cliff should've been the one talking on the recorder trying to communicate with the ghost as that's how it's typically done using spirit boxes. Again, these are nit-picky, but for a game that was essentially well-made, these and the audio issues should've been caught.

The ambiance and jump scares are effectively executed. The graphics are beautiful, and the voice acting of the producer was, surprisingly, well done. He reminded me of the guy from Resident Evil 7 who was part of the camera crew - obnoxious, talkative, and an overall jerk. 

I heard this was scarier than Phasmophobia, and while both are different types of games, I do agree that Paranormal Entities was more intense. This was overall very well done, and if the issues I mentioned were improved, this would be perfect! I highly recommend it.

Thank you for your honest review!

You're welcome, great job!