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(2 edits)

making fun of peoples trauma is just not okay, w-wha gay people are not annoying! ok lets kill him🔪🔪🔪🩸🩸 i got the knife hehehehee


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hehehehe i got the knife *gives you bags* this is going to be messy

hehehhehehhehehehe indeed

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ok so it is *checks watch* 11:36 pm so he should be asleep by now. do you want the knife or should i just hold it? also i dug a big hole so we can put him in there hehehe

hm hes asleep now

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Saying your going to kill somebody, even if what the did is unnecessary and also..I haven't seen anything about what they did- 

do you have evidence for what they have done by the way? cause I looked it up and I found nothing smh-

Bruh Its IN his videos. Looking it up on Google isn't going to help you 

Okay, but chill^^