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Custom Home Mapper (Oculus Quest)

Build your own customized VR home and play multi-roomscale minigames! · By CuriousVR

v2.0 coming this weekend, Monday at latest

A topic by CuriousVR created Oct 22, 2020 Views: 335 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 6
Developer (1 edit)

New features:

- 9 New Custom Home textures, more scifi and pixel art.

- New Lighting Prefabs

- 'Set new Anchor' option, so you can test different placements without re-doing the setup every time

- Minigolf 'build your own course' option

- Music on/off toggle for all games

- New Game! Turf War Fighter is a doll-house scale beat-em up, double dragon-kinda game where you enter into old apartment buildings and beat up rival gang members to claim territory for your crew. An interactive miniature city in your apartment!

-plus a bunch of bug fixes and other things that just make everything slightly nicer.

Hope you all are enjoying things so far! Thanks for joining the beta!

This sounds great! Just picked this up tonight and love the potential here. Thanks for making it and I'm excited to mess with it some more. Really cool and excited for the future! Thanks again!


Still busting my ass on this today.  I'm bad with self imposed deadlines , but wanna stick to this one. 

Normally I would have done a bunch of incremental updates last week, but since the next version is 2.0 I wanted to get all this in there. Slight chance it might be v1.95 today, but I've got a new build cooking right now and we will see how it turns out. 

Hey, thanks for the heads up! No pressure man. Take care of yourself :)

don't pressure yourself.


:) thanks 

This is mindblowing my friend.  Fantastic stuff!

I bought and tried this for the first time today and it's pretty awesome.  I love that someone is taking more advantage of the oculus hardware and pushing it to it's limits far beyond what even oculus is doing.  Any suggestions on dealing with steps?  I.E.  the different living area floors are not all  at the same level.  Also, an option to export the area to a useable  model would be cool.


hey William, sorry for delay, I was just puzzlesd by your question. 

The app doesn't really work (games, at least) on stairs/multi-level areas. But your case is just one step, something not super uncommon in different house layouts. 

Initially, I would suggest mapping a smaller area and playing around with the games on a single level. But, assuming you start the process on the lower level, I suppose nothing is stopping you from just going to the custom builder and laying out a really big flat cube as the second level floor. You could still model your whole space, but games would likely be unplayable with a big barrier on the floor.  

Thanks for the response!  That's what I did.  I started  at the lowest level and used blocks to build stairs and and the upper level.  It actually worked pretty well.  I haven't tried any games yet, just the home builder which is what interests me the most.  I'd love to export my created home as a 3D model that I could turn into my oculus home by sideloading it.  That would be a killer feature or app on it own.  I thin you could even charge for the exports.  I know I'd pay.  I did run into a a bug where my changes weren't saving without setting a new anchor point each time.  I also get the strange red lines/walls stretching up to the sky when I delete walls.  They stay there until I reset, but that's manageable.  The elevation can get screwed up until I re-enable the guardian redraw the guardian play space and disable it again.   If you do something to screw up your tracking or anchor point it's pretty much impossible to recover your positioning with  recreating your entire space.  Some manner to adjust your position and elevation when it screwed up would be useful.  Also really strange is my objects in the home builder are rotating 180 degrees around the center of the space, while the blocks and walls stay where I put them.  I've had reposition all the objects twice so far.  I'm trying to figure out if a specific set of actions is causing it.  I haven't figured it out yet.   Anyway, it's really cool stuff and 'll log these issues  in the appropriate place for bugs once I have a better handle on what's causing them so they can be recreated.