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Positive Opinions

For a first game, this is hella good.

Nice soundtrack

Simple style of game

Funny death animations

Pretty balanced

VERY good concept

Has a nice installer, making the game more compressed and doesn't depend on .zip / .rar / .7z

The backgrounds looks stunning for a game like this. It fits REALLY REALLY well !

Good gameplay

Good title

Negative Opinions

No game description

No game version indication, making it hard to know if the game updated or not.

Needs more sound effects.

Clapping when you win loops, yes it loops like it fades then you hear it again.

Except with sweat, you don't know how much ingured your opponent is.

No time limit.

NO Azerty keyboard support. I can't play this. At least there's controller but darn this one thing is hell for me.

What's going on with the sound option ? There's no %-tage which I always find usefull, also why is the background is still slitghly visible when you are in the sound option?

Low resolution game. (Well the Text looks terrible that I belive it's way too low res and has been terribly upscalled)

No way of modifying controls

No preview of the "skins" making me choosing blindly a skin.

Like skins, I would like a music preview (Without having to select it, pressing enter, if it's not good then go to back etc etc..), same for maps.

No indications of what to do / no tutorial.

It really should have online play


This is DelicateDuck's first game and it's good. It doesn't look like a released game however, some parts of the game aren't that good, it needs to be more refined, however the idea of the game is really good. If the game was more refined, the gameplay would be AMAZING. The idea is just really good ! But the game itself right now is not that great, it works, but it should have been in development or prototyping. Not a release.

I know I putted lots of negative points but it's to help the devs. Hope they get it.

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

Thank you for posting your thoughts! Your negative opinions are completely valid. This is not a dream game, rather something as my brother and I learn how to make games, and so it started off as a compilation of multiple random mechanics. In the end, we just wanted to get something out there and move on. The UI is indeed very inconvenient, I just slapped it together after all the mechanics and art were in. The lack of online is definitely a regret. I chose between having an AI and adding online because a lot of my time has been taken up by school. I figured learning how to make an AI would be more valuable. If people show enough interest in this game, I will consider adding online as an update. We hope to take the skills we got from using GameMaker Studio and make more professional games in the future. Please look forward to our future releases and possible updates to this game!


Sure, I would hope to check out your new games when they will come out ! And it's ok, i'm a game dev too and online is a pain, I use AGK and oh man it's clearly not meant for it, I can understand your struggle making games, I do as much as you do. And yeah school sucks when you already know what to do and are forced to do something you already know. Like example: I'm french, not english, and well unfortuanely I can't decide if I can do english or not but like you can see right now, english class is useless, school is taking so much dang time, at least we both know how it sucks.

Oh god I'm already telling my whole life might wanna stop this reply haha