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Hi all, the project is coming along smoothly and a playable build is currently being worked on.

Today I would like to share some more details about the game and what it's about.

Exilium will be an isometric, action-horror game in which you play as a ghost hunter and priest hunting and exorcising ghosts from locations. I hope to achieve a horror-like feel without using cheap tricks. The atmosphere and gameplay should feel intense and chilling.

The gameplay will consist of two phases. A preparation phase and a hunt phase. The missions begin with the preparation phase in which you will play as the ghost hunter setting up equipment around the location such as surveillance, traps, etc. (I will have a post about the equipment once I figure everything out). You will then end the preparation phase and begin the hunt phase. You will enter the location again, but this time as the priest. As the priest you must exorcise the ghost to complete the mission. I am still deciding between two different methods of exorcising the ghost for the priest to follow. One will involve facing the ghost head on and the other will involve avoiding the ghost while purifying objects within the location. (More info on this will be provided soon).

The following screenshot is of a moodboard that I put together to get a feel for the art style and general visuals of the game. I want the game to look good and amplify the chilling atmosphere I am aiming for.

This moodboard shows some games I've used for both artistic inspiration and gameplay inspiration.

This project is a solo project, so everything will be done by myself. I hope to create an enjoyable experience and a game that I will be proud of.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more updates soon!