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i really liked your black and white artstyle, I think it fits well with the idea of hidden enemies that you only see with your flashlight. i sadly couldnt get trough the second level because i wasnt able to find a key. you should rework your jumping mechanic a bit because the player felt a bit heavy.

Hi hungertod, 

thank you for your positive feedback and playing!

I will tweak the jump functionality for a better feeling. I think it can be better :-) 

Here is a hint to find the key in level 2 if you want to retry. 


The last elevating platform, before you can get to the Computer, goes further up to another path on the left. You can find the key on the end of this path. 

thanks i will give it a try tomorrow. I felt like something was up there because the platform took longer then the others to come down but i didnt checked it


nice little game just finished it thanks for the hint