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The Way You Make Me Feel is a short multiplayer rpg about picking people up at a club.

It's 2 pages, with solid layout and even a sort of vague map, which helps a lot with placing everyone in the narrative.

WYMMF doesn't have hard mechanics---anyone can step into a soft-GM role, and success/failure is decided by group consensus. Tarot cards are used, but they're more prompts than a resolution mechanism. They simply shape your initial perceptions of the game's two eligible NPC bachelors.

Overall, WYMMF is a very open-ended and (possibly) casual romance ttrpg. I think it benefits from doing a bit of world-building up front (a high-fantasy-modern-world-mashup setting would be really delightful), but as long as your group is comfortable with a game about clubbing, this seems like a solid oneshot.

Minor Issues:

-This was impossible to find via the itch search function. Neither the title nor madpierrot produced any results. Not sure why. I wanted to mention this in hopes that it helps the game stop being buried.