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We are deeply sorry for the mishap with VoF. That menu system is really finicky, and it seems that no matter what we do to it, there's something new.  

If you give us some time, we can send you a game file with saves that from where you left off. For future reference (and let us know if it doesn't work), to spam  [ESC], until the menu appears, because for the first part of the game, the save is in the menu. As for the riches section, after you find the riches, an event is suppose to automatically begin. If you would like for us to send you  a game file with saves from where you left off, send us an e-mail to and we will get it back to you in a timely manner. Thank you so much for having interest in our game, and we hope you aren't too mad at us...and we are deeply sorry for the game acting up on you.