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Wrong Floor is an almost perfect example of short, compact 10-15 minute experiences, heavy on atmosphere and light on lore. While the game itself wasn’t scary, the one jumpscare that did get me wasn’t a stupidly loud sound effect but rather an unexpected reappearance of the main antagonist. I don’t want to spoil all the twists and turns, but essentially efficient use of ambient sound effects to imitate the feeling of being stuck in an almost maze-like basement with a huge lumbering man chasing after you.

The only downsides to the game, which are closer to nitpicks, is how the primary camera angle of the game and flashlight work; it all feels very disorienting, with an almost fisheye filter, making everything in the game look slightly off; this could really be a design choice by the developer so it’s up to them as to whether or not they fix it.

Since I enjoyed your game, you can partake in my pleasant surprise down below in the murder basement.