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Hi Hank,

This egg is great! I have to say the way the egg shell breaks apart and falls to the ground looks really good! I agree with some of the other commenters that heightening the feedback while trying to break the egg would encourage me to continue to do it. I also think it could be really cool if the time/clicks it took to break the egg was based on the length of the word the egg was going to be. That way, if I was clicking and clicking for a long time, I could think "wow this is going to be a big one" and be encouraged to continue. I also think that if there was a way to view all of the words I had unlocked as well as the ones I hadn't yet (maybe displayed as ???? or something) it would be a major encouragement to continue playing and try and unlock cool or rare words. Like an eggcyclopedia. All in all, I think this is a really cool and unique use of the assets and it is well implemented here. Thanks for putting this out there!