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Hello! This put a smile on my face, it's a very out there gameplay experience, but it's enjoyable. I think your object flying and spinning implementation works well, and I think there is a cohesive style in there with this strange mix of assets. The use of the explosions was also very well done and made the core gameplay loop of clicking on objects satisfying and funny. Over the course of 3 playthroughs, I tried a few strategies to get the sponsorship, but it seems that just like in real life, Sprite will not be sponsoring me. I thought I had figured it out when I realized that once I maxed a bar out to bar + 2 eggs, it could no longer go down, so I tried maxing my sprite bar then moving on to the intelligence bar, then the omega bar, but even with that, no sponsorship. So I would say a tutorial or a more defined set of goals would be helpful. However, in saying that I realize that would be taking out one of the things that kept me playing and trying again: the puzzle of the sponsorship deal. So maybe making it easier to figure out through gameplay how to get the sponsorship, without a direct tutorial is the way to go. I think even some feedback on the failure page like "you didn't have enough sprite" would go along way to make me feel like the sponsorship would be more attainable. Overall I enjoyed this experience and I think the Eric Andre music works well. Thanks!