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Hi Justin,

I really like this take on the assets, I think it's a good way to showcase them all. Coming from the perspective of someone who hasn't played Fall Guys (rip no mac support), I think there could be some improvements on how to communicate what's happening and where to look for the target picture. Maybe a big audiovisual countdown on the "screens" could go a long way here. From what I've seen from others playing Fall Guys, there's an aspect of the social side of the game in this mini game where you can see where the other players are congregating. I think implementing an artificial version of that in this project could be really cool going forward. Maybe you have little characters swarm around certain blocks and sometimes the majority is right but sometimes its not. Just king of spitballing the ideas I was having while playing. Overall though, I think looking at Fall Guys as inspiration was really smart for this prompt and I enjoyed noodling around with the ideas at play here. Thanks so much for putting this out there!