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Hi Miles, I had a good time playing Little Wizard. My wizard became a fire wizard. I wanted to answer some of the questions differently and I got fire wizard again :) So I went through a third time and ended up with water wizard.
My biggest praise has to go to the questions you wrote, they are really really great. I think they hit the right balance between being simple, interesting, and fun. I also think there are a good total number of questions, and their content & themes don't bleed into one another and that's impressive to me. Plus I think the right number of them have an arcane/fantasy flavor to instill that essence into the game which I am also very impressed by! I think audio sound effects would be a welcome addition, and along that same vein I think I would enjoy seeing a little visual flair to my cursor and selections. Maybe if the text you had selected kind of bobbed up and down while you hovered over it or something and maybe little magic sparks could come out when you picked an option. Your art here is really nice to look at and I think you did a nice job matching the visual identity of the text and UI to the pixel art. All in all thanks for putting this out there! I had a good time with it.