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This is awesome, I love the concept and how clean and simple the visuals are. The log is such a cool way of watching the relationships progress - it makes you feel like the characters are much more real than if they were just a static profile! I found that I was having some issues unselecting files after a connection was created. Sometimes I would right click and it seemed like nothing would happen. If you continue to work on this, having a feature where you can zoom in and out might be helpful, as I found that profiles would spawn outside of my view and I just wouldn’t realize there was anything there. The overlapping text makes things spiral out of control really fast, since there’s a certain point where things become unreadable, which you can’t really come back from, although I do like how chaotic the screen gets. I agree that it would be nice for WASD to move around faster as well. That’s pretty much it, my criticism is mostly just clarity and user experience stuff. Very solid design and again really amazing idea!!