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Hi. I played your game and included it in a video. It looked fun. I cannot tell you much feedback here because I do not really understand what it is supposed to be. If you want me to cut your game out of the video, let me know. However, if you like the video, I make similar videos every day. I will be happy if you subscribe. Anyway, I enjoyed playing your game.


Thank you so much for playing! the game is 20% finished so most of the features are not finished, also the game is supposed to have a more dark atmosphere before you eliminate the killer, thank you for showing me what bugs needs to be fixed and what the game is missing, Please follow me on here so that you can see devlogs and updates to this game, by the way my youtube channel will have english subtitles so that you guys can understand what i'm saying, Thank you again!


awesome. It was fun playing your game. :D

Hey! there is a new update to the game, i hope you play it :D