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Hi, I'm Japanese, so please excuse my poor English.

I got to play this game after watching a video of a Japanese player.
I've been having a rough time lately and have been a little desperate, but seeing Olive and her friends in this game has been very comforting and very enjoyable. Thanks for making the best game ever!


It's been said PA 3 is the finale.


I know that...
But I still want to play the PA world:'-(


Fangames are allowed, so who knows?
Maybe someone'll make a fanmade continuation.
Can only hope for the best.


Wow so cool seeing this thread. Good thing you inspired this user RAWFISH to make a series of fangames. I think it's pretty great and everyone that likes this series should check it out! It would be cool to have this be a new genre, I love the mix of cute art, dating sim, and gore!

Deleted 1 year ago