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Hi Ron, this is absolutely hypnotic. I could totally imagine playing something like this at a casino (not that I’ve ever been to a casino lol). I agree with Gen about how the game would benefit with clearer labeling on the numbers, or even maybe just changing the background or UI layout so it’s more distinctly a “me vs. the house” kind of thing rather than two numbers that are side by side, which doesn’t really imply an “opponent” to me. Also, personally, it wasn’t clear at first what the relationship between the two results was - for instance, the way that the numbers are displayed makes it look like instead of 1+3, the number might be 13. Solving this would be pretty easy I think - just displaying a total / final number of what would be added to your score would be enough, imo. I also still don’t really understand how the middle wheel calculates its result, since it doesn’t seem to use the same arrow as the outside wheel (or maybe it does, but it’s just a little off sometimes?). I seem to get 0 a lot on the inner wheel, even when it looks like I’ve landed smack in the middle of a number. Obviously, as people have mentioned, sound would make the experience a lot more compelling as well, but I think that even without it it’s easy to get the vibe you were going for. Really cool & interesting choice of mechanics with the assets we were provided!