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I played this through the "The "Pay What You Want" Adult Action Games FREE Demo Bundle!" and I did enjoy this, although I had one little gripe about the controls.

It doesn't feel right to have all of these buttons cramped together on the same place on the keyboard.

Move, Jump and Duck are all fine on WASD, but I feel like most of the actions could/should be moved to different keys.

I feel like you could map Punch to SHIFT instead of Q,
Special ATK to TAB instead of E.

The other keys are fine since you're probably gonna be using your hands for something other than avoiding enemies and it doesn't matter if the key is in a slightly awkward location lol

Also, it'd probably be a good idea to map actions like Duck to multiple keys, like you've done with the Jump action.

I'd personally recommend mapping Duck to both S and CTRL.

Mind you, all of my requests to change keys could also be replaced with requests to have multiple key binds.

Then again, the current controls are not unusable, so if you like it how it is, then you don't need to change it.


Alternatively, add control mapping to the settings menu, so people can decide what feels best to them.

Personally, I'd prefer movement to be on the arrow keys, and actions on asdf. 


if you have that then you wont be able to play with only one hand