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The stats are already in Among Us 1, but I see where you're coming from with the coins. But with the picking your color thing, there are pre-set colors individual and unique, and if trollers got to pick their own color, then the whole lobby could be so close to each other you cant tell the difference. Say there's black for example, and white, those are the main colors that people try to be them for being monochrome, and fitting every set you have. If people want them, and can pick their colors on a wheel, or grid, then everyone will always pick dark dark grey, and they cant tell which is which. especially if they have a blank name, its a troller's paradise. With the chatting, do you mean a voice chat? because if you do, that would be bad, because on public servers, there are kids screaming in the mic, and just being immature. So i think that the voice chatting idea will be a flunk because of the audience. You've seen how the little kids play, guessing, and the mics on mobile is relatively bad, so it wouldn't be a  fun time at all, unless you're the one making the ears bleed.