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Perfect. I got them tagged now, so hopefully it should be easier for people who use the app now. Thank you!

Unfortunately, I've tried replicating the problem with two computers, with Tab and a few other players. I haven't been able to get it to repeat, so I'm at a lost of what you and your friend encountered. My only guesses are, something went wrong in extraction, computer wise, or maybe .. Did you guys just get nothing or did the dud end play?

If you guys are up to it, I would love to see a recording to see if I'm missing something.  I'll keep my eyes out either way, so don't worry if you don't want to do it. I am still sorry regardless that it happened to you two, I can understand how that could be frustrating.

Thanks to you guys though, I did find something I can fix even if I can't figure out the other thing.

One of the testers for the bug, actually typed in 300 characters.  So, yeah, that's a definite fix, haha!

True, we'll have to find that perfect balance of difficulty in future updates.  Especially with the addition of new monsters and items, which will make it harder to keep up. That's why has been great with keeping up comments and playthroughs, so I can hopefully see what's working and what needs more refinement. Speaking of which,

Thanks so much for answering the questions! I know its probably not what you signed up for, but we appreciate the time taken out for it.