welcome to the top ten tv shows i watched as a kid that im 100% sure were just fever dreams
Number onneeee
Dino daaaan, this kid could see dinosaurs and had several comedic adventures
Number twoooo
My pet monster, this kid had a pet monster, he lived in the kids tree house and only he could see them
Number threeee
Making stuff. Two cartoon robots would go to factories and find out how stuff was made
Number fourrrrrrr
Maggie and the ferocious beast. I don't remember much about this show. But the ferocious beast terrified me
Number fivvvvve
Harold and the purple crayon. A kid had a purple crayon and he'd draw himself adventures on his wall before bed. This show depresses the hell outtta me
Number 6
Rob the robot, three robots and their alien friend would go to different themed planets and hive adventures. My favorite was the art one
Number sevennn
Mr maker, this dude ^ would make things. I am 90% sure he's a pedo
Number eiiight
Big and small. Need i say more
Number niiiiinnneee
Dragon, a claymation dragon had fun adventures with his claymation anime friends and he ate really weird shit. Like marshmallows and ketchup. It was disgusting
Number tennnnnn
Cyberchase, i remember nothing about this show except for i hated it and it was weird
This is part 1 out of idk how many.