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(1 edit)

Hi batensan, I happened to stumble on your games and am really excited to play them. Is there any order to play the games or are they stand-alone games in the same universe? Also, I heard you are making a paid game soon (MO Iris I think) and I was wondering if you released any news or sneak-peaks of it or an official trailer? any particular route order? Walkthrough?  Also, are there more games you will add to the series (paid or free.) I am excited to play even though I am late to the party lol.


Hellooo, there isn't really a play order, but generally I would recommend oldest to newest, which is listed on my front itch io page!

All MO games take place in the same universe, but they're all stand-alones!

MO Iris will be paid yes, and has a demo out, if you count that as a sneak peek! I would recommend Rieffe or Lanneis > Reqieu > Septem.

The game won't need a walkthrough, since it should be very straightforward!

From hereon, most of my games will be paid, except maybe the clown one? I hope you enjoy all of them!


Ok, sounds great! Feeling excited for Mo Iris and the paid games as well!