Playtester Name: Connor
Developer Name(s): Daniel
Playtest Date : 10/7/20
What were your favorite moments of the game?
Powering up! Getting 3+ upgrades to movement or attack starts to feel good!
Where do you see room for improvement?
Balance. I never made it past act II because the clipper mechanic, while cool, is overly punishing. Perhaps giving players a timer so there is a chance to react, or lower it's damage.
When did you stop playing and why?
Act II. What kept happening to me was that there were enemies on the right hand side I couldn't contest because my move speed was too slow to get in range to attack them before the clippers one hit me.
Was there anything related to the interface or controls that was hard
to understand?
Very clear, easy to understand, fun to engage with.
Was there anything related to the mechanics that was hard to understand?
The projectile blocking seemed very inconsistent. Although the tip suggests I try it, I found that I was much better off dodging the attacks.
Was there anything related to the art, or sound that was hard to understand?
Crisp sounds. Consistent style. Enjoyable to look at.
Do you have any other feedback that you would like the designer to hear?
I think the base attack could stand to have it's range increased. I found that often before my first attack power up I would take damage from the enemy I killed simply because I had to be so close to hit them that if there was any moment I got tapped.
I think the systems you have here are fun, and engaging. If you balance them a little more this could easily be fun repeat play.