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Don't go bawling your eyes out if they refuse you the admin role. You may not be the victim in that case.


ooh drama, care to elaborate?

(1 edit) (+2)

Please, don't encourage the drama.

This was years ago, and it became a big thing at 17, when a 21 or 23 year old male on our team sent me something very hurtful regarding my depression. 

His opinion mattered to me at the time, and I took it to heart. Kouga, being my mentor, taking my role away as head admin also hurt because it felt like she no longer entrusted me, despite being the only admin she had who actually got on her games, cared for them and would talk of development with her. The others would talk about her behind her back.

However, I'm done with this. I'm trying to move on with them as a reference, as they are still apart of my past. I never mentioned anything bad, but I won't have them come slander my reputation. 

If you're a developer, I apologize if you've got a bad image of me now. However, I've blocked RW, and I will continue moving forward despite these "power" claims. There was always a struggle for power in that Discord, I was just the only one who actually cared for Kouga's actual feelings until mine got trampled on, if you must know.

Thank you.

I wish RW and all the best in development, but please, drop the situation.


ah sorry to hear about that, also when I asked "ooh drama, care to elaborate?" I was just trying to get more information because he threw shade without explaining why. And it might give the wrong impression on someone without a proper context.

(1 edit) (+1)

No worries! I harbor no ill will, btw. I just wanted to make sure no one was getting the wrong idea based on past experiences. I've obviously grown and just wanna move on.

Sorry if I came across harsh ♡♡♡. 

You honestly seem like a fine guy.  And I apologize if this occurrence changed your opinion on me! :)

(5 edits) (+1)

or you know, don't forget to tell them how your admin legit shit on my depression? Starting shit is professional, Kouga, especially since you started your career hacking the game you now got defunct given. 

How's that going, btw?

Also, tell them how you and your admins chased off most the gamers with your poor attitude, bullying who you pleased? Or how I was your head admin and fought your hackers (which, btw, people say you showed Lif users how to use CE, in the old days and they perfected it for their friends) when your antihack bot never picked it up. And oops. No credits on your site for my coding on your form that I had you take down after this little argument for this exact reason?

Have a good day, and do me a favor, please, don't respond to my topics. You're a past experience. Don't dull my future ones.

Also, Pigeonbee in the credits, was a suicide victim, and you made a joke of suicide by adding them in your little "friends on the other side". Good job, champ.

My attitude may have been poor ish then because I was 12-17 (when a 21 year old walked on my undiagnosed depression, and you were cool with it. Thanks mentor). You're in your 30s, turning 40? Your admins are getting closer to 30 , what's your all's excuse for belittling everyone who you thought less of? Now, including me, who's trying to move on from your project, and only used you as a reference. Nothing bad, but you just came to stir the pot.