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After playing Mark's game I was thoroughly impressed.  The first thing that caught my eye was thinking about how the idea was created. Since we were given the bouncing balls prompt it made me wonder how it could have formed into this game. The biggest thing that makes this game impressive is the use of a visual prompt to launch a projectile onto the game board. The objective of the game is to knock these cube like structures off the board using a cannon and 5 cannonballs. The cannon provides exceptional visual clarity on where you are going to shoot the cannonball so it makes it very easy to pick up and play. You can tell Mark put a lot of time into this game  based on the console outputs as well. Everything you do in the game is reflected in the console to give you feedback. It tells you things such as how many balls you have left and how much power you choose the cannon to be shot with. The biggest thing that could be improved upon is the design of the different levels. Sometimes the blocks fall at an awkward angle that makes it very frustrating to complete some levels. Sometimes the blocks fall on their face and make it hard to knock them off the stage completely. The biggest success about the game would be the design of the cannon. The visual clues given to you by the cannon makes it very easy to accurately shoot a cannon in the spot you want. Overall the game was fun and provided a great challenge that offers a good amount of replayability. Great work!