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I'm not going to lie I was up until like 1:30AM playing this game. The quality is just so CHOICE... we have no choice BUT to stan. Hardest part was trying to figure out which kind of playthrough I wanted to do first ghjkfhg

Easily one of my favorite games... the worldbuilding, the characters, the DIALOGUE....... the world just feels so rich and alive. I can see everything happen so vividly in my head like I'm watching a TV show instead of reading words on a screen..... HHHHHHH what's up with the Crowns!! Why are the Followers just Like That constantly!!! Why did the MC's parents do what they did!! And most importantly: how long until I can hold hands with all of the LI's aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I can't wait for more. Definitely keeping an eye out for this one 👀👀👀

Haha no worries, all the mysteries will be revealed in due time!! Thanks so much for playing and commenting ❤️