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Welcome to dirt reviews random mobile games she has on his phone 

Episode one: sky children of light 

From what i can tell, the basic plot of sky is: As the children of the light your lil character has to find the stars that fell out of the sky and restore them. The graphics are honestly really good for a mobile game, the audio is amazing and it has a FABULOUS soundtrack. The controls are a little finicky but overall they're really good, the scenery is BEAUTIFUL. I've only had the app for like a day but it is AMAZING, its like a game for a console or pc its so good 

Now the actual rating bit: 

Graphics: 9.5/10

Controls: 8/10

Soundtrack: 100000/10

Sound effects: 9/10

Background/scenery: 10/10

Overall i give it 5 out of 5 stars

Its available on the Google play store and i think the apple store or wherever apple users get their apps



Sakura school simulator is in episode two!