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Abby - this game is so strange, not that I expected anything else. Visually and audio-wise, I think you nailed that unnerving vibe, and every element really works together. Using the 4 humors was a clever idea that fit nicely with the theme you’ve got going on as well.

I don’t have much criticism for this. I’m a little torn because I sort of agree with what Miles said about thinking that the control scheme should feel a little more frantic, but I also enjoy the grueling work of simply pressing one button at a time and paying attention, forever. I kinda want there to be some sort of sound when you lose? & the loss condition itself felt a little inconsistent at times - sometimes when I’d start the game, almost all the limbs would immediately be moving super fast and I’d have like, one second to fix it before losing, while other times I didn’t touch any of the buttons for ages and it didn’t end. Also, the blood button wasn’t working for me (maybe that’s the brokenness you were referring to in the description?).

But yeah, I really like that you made something very intentionally unsettling like this. You have a real strength for making funky experimental games with a super powerful and specific aesthetic.