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Hi Raymond! This game is like, super delightful. The art and music and colors all work together to make this really pleasant atmosphere, and the text is simple but strangely endearing. It does take a while for the kitty’s mood to go down - at first, I didn’t even notice that it could do that because of how long it takes (plus the fact that it sometimes doesn’t update until you try to interact with her again). In the description, you said that it’s supposed to be a drag and drop type thing, but you get the same effect from just dragging your mouse back and forth which maybe isn’t what you intended. I also noticed that if you wait for long enough without doing anything, the kitty just gets very happy all of a sudden. Oh, & I wanted some sort of animation on the kitty herself too, even if it’s just a simple little movement up and down and some visual feedback when you feed/brush/pat her!

But yeah, this game makes me really happy! It’s super short right now but I think if you wanted to make it longer, I definitely wouldn’t mind there being more phases between upset and very happy, or even the kitty wanting one specific thing each time so there’s more trial and error between the start and end.