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When I first played this game I instantly fell in love! Now it's been a month or so since i've played the game and it's getting kind of boring because it's just the same concept. I can't wait for new updates and I would like to give some suggestions! 

                                                                       Voice Chat

I think there should be voice chat in the game so it'd be easier to interact with people and you can say much much more stuff than you would if you were typing. If someone is abusing the voice chat feature there could be a voting place to mute them.

                                                                      Game modes

Among Us could be 10x better with different game modes.  Many people have been suggesting a hide n seek game mode which sounds awesome, but I personally think there should be a game mode where there is 1 sheriff, 2 impostors, and the rest are crew mates. There are no meetings at all. The impostors don't know who the sheriff is and can't kill him and the sheriff doesn't know who the impostors are and can kill them. For the impostors to win they must kill all besides 2 crewmates. For the sheriff to win he must kill both impostors. Maybe the devs can add both game modes!


The 3 maps right now are all very good maps but I think maybe you should add a couple of more as these 3 are getting a bit boring. Maybe there could be a feature where before the game starts everybody votes for the map they would like to play in.

                                                                     Bigger Lobbies

Maybe there could be bigger lobbies with more crewmates and more impostors!? I think that would spice things up a bit and would be a great feature!


In my opinion there should be a shop where you can buy accessories from and put them on your character! There should be a in game currency that allows you to buy accessories from the shop! There could be missions you have to complete to earn the in game currency! There should also be a selling feature, If you bought an item and you don't like it anymore you can sell it for in game currency!

Thank you for reading my Harry Potter sequel and I hope that the devs could see this and maybe take a couple of ideas from it!

Why would Vc be a good idea, because then we will have to deal with exploiters in games and people tricking other people into giving personal information.