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ok bai ._.

Bak ._.


Colin: :|

*and just like that. Police sirens.*

Max: welp. I gotta go. Let's meet again sometime. *and he jumps onto the same roof and starts to jump from roof to roof.*

colin: bai then :/

*le police go by and be chasing after him.*

colin: <>><>

*a week or so later*

Colin: -well i guess he is just kinda living on the streets now ._.- :T

Max: *sitting on top of a cop car surrounded by police but he's just casually smiling* So. How are you guys. 

Cop: put your hands in the air and blah blah Cop stuff. (Act like that was properly done. Ik I'm lazy.)

Max: you should know by know that none of that is gonna work. *and they're shooting at him while he's just dodging like it's nothing.* You guys seriously need to stop trying. *and he jumps off landing behind all the cops* You're never gonna catch me. All you people will gain from this insanity from thinking about me too much. But I understand. I'm just irresistible aren't I. Haha. *just walks away (towards you btw)*

All the cops: *did he seriously just do that.*