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Hi Ron, I really enjoy this clone. When I thought of one button game I immediately thought of button mashing, but I very much appreciate this take where the entire game involves a singular button press (minus the title). Your art looks really good and I love the tension you were able to create. I think you could’ve made the lawman’s text more center stage, but I also like the fact it isn’t, because it obscures the exact kind of game it is. When I opened this I thought it was going to be a twitch reflex challenge to draw and shoot but was pleasantly surprised to have that assumption challenge and get to play with this talkative lawman with no bite behind their bark. I think changing the text to be more center screen would help clue me in to the subversion you’ve made here, and I don’t know if that is something you want or not. If you leave the text small and to the side though, I would put it in a stylized word bubble or something so it has a more contrasting background to it. Thanks for sharing your game!