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Colin: - he looks up and finds you staring him- . . . Do you mind? -_-

Max: *he jumps down from a flipping tall building and just.... lands on his feet?* Hi there. I'm Max. It seems like you were running. From what? The cops? I always run from those. I'm very wanted you know. In every single country. *he's just smiling like everything he just said was ok*

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Colin: one, its none of your business and two, . . You talk to much 

maybe because it is ok? I mean thats pretty relatable in my case -w- . . Wait what?

Max: Well that's sad. *if it's sad then why are you still smiling?*  And you judge based on first impressions too much. *he sits down* Well. What's your name?

Colin: colin.

Max: Well hello colin.

colin: hi :|

Max: So. What's your favourite colour.

Colin: dont have one -shrug- 

Max: Mine's black.  My favourite song is literally any dark song in existence. And I lake very dark and unhappy stuff.

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