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we need it free


Not to be rude, but you can’t just ask the game to be free if you want it to be free on your PC. They need to earn money, y’know. And if I’m not talking about what you want to be free, don’t mind this.


Yes well true but some ppl dont have the money for it like me i cant play it cuz i dont have money

use it on your phone then? on phone its completely free

I dont have a phones not all ppl have phones 

too bad


Well, shame!

it’s 5 dollars.

Or RM20 here. You can get a dinner or two lunches here. Also, the game has cosmetic so it does not need to be paid.


On mobile its free also its only 5 bucks...


You are making income? If yes, please take $5 of that and buy this game. If not, i feel sorry for you and hope things work out.


Look non of yall are understanding i dont have a phone i dont have a job so i cant pay for it or play free


then I would suggest getting a job instead of playing video games. 5 dollars isn't much at all. even a 10 year old can make that money raking leaves in the neighborhood or something




U dont understand I cant get a job

are you paralyzed? are you missing legs? are you missing arms? are you confined to a bed?

then ask your mommy if you can rake some leaves and have her buy you the video game and stop acting spoiled.


shouldn’t be free as servers cost money, and these devs deserve a reward for their time and effort. this isn’t from some huge company which can cover server costs, its from a tiny development company that’s gotten popular incredibly quickly