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Hi Ron! I love the extended, lingering dialogue - it builds so much tension! The first time I played, I didn’t realize there was dialogue coming and pressed space and shot right away and I was like, is that it?? I think that long pause at the beginning before he speaks can be very easily construed as waiting for the player to take an action (and in this case, the only action could be the space bar). Once I actually figured out what was up though I thought it was really cool!

I would have really liked it if he shot after the end of that super long-winded little diatribe, he would actually shoot though (or run away?). It feels sorta strange that the only outcome is you shooting him and once he’s done talking he just sits there and waits for you to do it. A little nit-picky thing - after you shoot, it feels weird that you can keep pressing space to make the shooting sound but no bullets come out. I feel like it would make more sense to just not be able to shoot at all, and also being able to shoot once seems like it would add to the drama you’ve got going on.