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That may be the issue then! I assume something in Prime Parallax doesn't work right for saves. I'll try that out asap when I wake up!

I tried a lot of combinations with different events on a new project and the project where the ballon-ani was missing (from the start, from new saves and I even made a save on the same position as last time). I was not able to reproduce this issue. Only on the saves from the first project. and even there it´s only missing on the player char. The balloons are all ok on other events. But on the player it is not only the balloons but all animations. So maybe it only occurs while actual building the game, installing, deinstalling and testing things out, because on the new saves the plugin was already there from the start?

Yea I've been trying to replicate this issue but haven't yet. Please let me know if you run into any leads.


OK. it happened again. But it has nothing to do with the savegame. As soon as I set "Character Reflections" to false the game freezes. (Just as if an autostart event was running). It works again when it is set to true.

Is this in the plugin params? Or in the plugin command?

its in the plugin parameters

Okay cool! Where u able to replicate this more then once?

Yes. Even with a new project. I only added MZPlus and Parallax. Only one map with an event which shows an balloon-icon over the event and after this one over the player. This works. But now if I change character reflexions to false the game freezes.

Sorry for the delay (my cpu cooler died and my gpu also kinda went oof)

Anyway I've released an update that should address the problem!

Thanks for your help and patience!

Thank you for updating :)


Hey there. 

I just wanted to thank you too, since I kinda started this wohle thread here. So yeah: Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your work!

Is this still an issue? Sorry for the massive delay in getting back to you.

No problem with the delay :) Can´t test it at the moment, but I think this was solved :)