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throwing+teleporting is very fun, i see a lot of potential there for platforming challenges and such. haven't tried the rope lance very much but it seems to have a lot of potential as well.

i think stamina needs some balancing. it either charges too slowly, is consumed a lot, or a mix of both. not sure if there's even a point to stamina being there in the first place.

some enemies are kinda hard to understand or frustrating to fight. the cube that shoots the laser for example, it's hard to tell when it's hitting you, or when it's going to. the separation/transition between the tracking/hitting lasers isn't very clear, like it's slow and not clear-cut.
the spheres are REALLY annoying, but i suppose that's kind of the point. though i feel that once you break the spear, it would be nice if they were all destroyed or if it destroyed a good amount of them, or something like that.
the diamonds are okay, but just like with other enemies (and especially in this case), they get hard to find. there's a point in a fight where there's few enemies left, and instead of being able to quickly wipe the remaining ones down, you have to go hunting for them, checking out every corner to see where they are. that's frustrating and boring, i like the dynamism of throwing and killing and teleporting around.

the water looks really nice.

anyways play ULTRAKILL