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Street Width Adjustment..?

A topic by Cedric-the-Saxon created Sep 16, 2020 Views: 315 Replies: 2
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I'm making a town which is more connected by water than land, but the streets running to the port are just alleyways.  Anyway to adjust these..?  Warping didn't work.


There are two types of roads: main roads and regular roads (or alleys). Main roads always run from the center of a map to its edges. I'll think about adding main roads to docks (it's a bit harder than it seems, especially when there more than one docks area), meanwhile you can try to paint what you need in City Painter. It is possible to draw roads wherever you like there, but overall this application is very rough.

Thanks!  I'll try that!
BTW, I hit like the hundredth iteration and got a fairly good layout!