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Here's a story from school today 

So it was break time

And i was with two of my friends H and M(thats what their called now) 

And so we were walking back from GT (giant tiger) and for some reason the conversation shifted to boys

And H said you can just TELL when a guy is hot, like by the way they walk and M was agreeing with her

And so then M said lil huddy was SUPER hot and then H said eboys were super hot

And this whole time my homosexual ass was confused 

And so i started talking about how hot punk girls and trad goths are

And M was like, what's a trad goth?

They were confused 

(1 edit)

The tables have turned

other people: no they havent

-flips a table over- yes they have

Oh how the tables have tabled 

Oh how indeed