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WOW. The polish on this! Super easy to get into, responsive controls, nice and gradual difficulty curve, UI elements are cute as heck (Really appreciate the health bar looking like hand drawn cardboard), the music is cute as well! sounds like a janky medieval gigue~ and motion graphics?! What?!~ 

The only areas that i can even nitpick is that the environmental elements like the geyser and the glue patches don't feel impactful enough.. Overall a super amazing job~ 

I'd be super into seeing the alternate skins if yall end up developing it~ Great job you guys~

Some suggestions from a noob: 

  • If the players didn't have the 3 lives from the beginning, and instead had to earn their 1ups through the gameplay, it would've fit the "death is not the end" theme a bit better imho~
  • small tweak to inverse the upper body rotation in relation to the hip's rotation will drastically improve the animation quality (hip points to the Right, shoulder points to the Left, head points to the Right)
  • adding supporting lights to simulate bounce lights will reduce the harshness of the shadows and help with the overall aesthetics
  • the ground looks a tad flat and can get boring to look at after awhile, can be changed up  with a blend of tileable ground textures

That's some excellent feedback, thank you very much and thanks for playing!