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It's somewhat designed that way. That's why Zack laments and works through so much logic in the game. For some it can be perceived as overthinking. For others, it shows several different reasons that could hold individuals back and then Zack's way to reason through those obstacles.

And yeah, there's more updates coming. Next update is gonna be a rough write so I'm doing heavy outlining right now

I agree. It takes time to gradually overcome those issues as he has been haunted by them for the whole time. Most of my logical friends seem to have the same problems of trying to explain everything. Love or sentiment in general is somehow more than that, which is hard to explain just by using logic. 

Seriously, you can hold a fanclub and I would love to be a big fan of you guys and this story.

haha, omg..I don't need a fan club. I'm just a regular dude stumbling through this thing with a couple buddies that I love to death. Plus I'm super shy but I'll hang and talk with people and interact on here and twitter. We've done a few voice chat Q and As on discord but it's been awhile

Yeah at least a wholesome community may help :))) What your team is doing is so inspirational. Best wishes to all of you guys and hope for more people will get to know about this amazing game and its masterminds :)))) 

