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This looks incredible, you did a very good job on it! Might I ask though, how did you port parts of the actual 3D models into the sims, like Diego and Pucci's outfits?


Thank you! As for the model ports, theres tons of tutorials on the sims4studio website, but i'll try and explain it the best I can.

First, I find somewhere to download the models, (models resource is a good place, but for the jojo models I found some on deviantart).

Then I put them in Blender, redo their UV maps, all that jazz, then export the model so its ready for the next step.

Then in sims4studio, in this case, I would choose a similar outfit that would match the model I'm importing, (usually for outfits like the jojo ones I use the robot costume), then export the robot outfit as a blender file.

I open that said file in blender, import the model, (lets just use Pucci as an example), then I edit the model to match how the base sim mesh looks, which is just minor mesh editing, such as rotating the arms, scaling, etc.

After that its just a bunch of stuff you gotta do to make sure it works properly in game, such as changing vertex colors, weight painting/rigging, UVs, etc. (I wont go too in depth about all that, you can easily find tutorials about them on the sims4studio website).

Then finally I go into sims4studio, import the finished model, import the textures, save the package and put it in the mods folder to test it out in-game. If it looks good, and theres no bugs/insane glitches then it's good to go, (which usually isnt the case, I never usually get them perfect in-game first try), and that should be it.

Sorry this explanation was kinda long, but if you wanna get into creating custom CAS items, definitely go on the sims4studio website, they go more in-depth and can explain the process better. 

: )

Thank you so much for the response! I appreciaite it and will look into this process for sure.

You're welcome, have fun learning it!