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It’s been a while. University-related matters kept me busy for a most of this month. OK fine, that’s not the whole truth: my archnemesis, procrastination, had a hand in it as well. Nevertheless, the game’s UI is effectively done and only needs a few adjustments and improvements. The phone’s features, along with the inventory too, are working well. It was a bit challenging due to the precision needed to design a UI. It needs to be intuitive while giving all necessary info to the user. Having friends try them out for you is god-sent.

Here is the inventory UI:



The phone:



A rough test for the map:




Anyway, the pieces needed to make up the bigger picture are all done and now comes the real challenge: making the actual game. Here is the plan going forward:

  • The game is made up of 5 different location/levels.
  • Spend roughly one week designing each level.
  • Try to update this devlog each week.
  • Consider adding more enemies.
  • Polishing, testing, and marketing phase.

Updating this devlog might be a little hard because I won’t really share any screenshots or videos to avoid spoilers.

I should have at least one level done by 9/8…